Peinture Réalisme Socialiste – Vénus


Peinture Réalisme Socialiste – Vénus


Peinture signée de l’année 1960, elle dépeint la rencontre entre un cosmonaute humain et un habitant de Venus.

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Peinture signée de l’année 1960, elle dépeint la rencontre entre un cosmonaute humain et un habitant de Venus.

Space conquest oil painting of the Soviet artist Peter Matveevich Goncharenko, he painted this one year before Yuri Gagarin journey into outer space at a time when the project was still a secret for the public so we can consider this painting as futurist, the painting shows a Soviet cosmonaut meeting a alien from planet Venus.

The Soviet cosmonaut carries a glove with written inside earth and the alien from Venus carries a globe with written inside Venus.
We can also see a rocket representing the type of rocket sent into space by the USSR since 1957.

The painting is signed and mesures 60X40cm.